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It’s the great.....

Pumpkin Hot Air Balloon, and it is rising above the cemetery! I thought these pictures would be fun for 🎃!

I took them from the Medora Cemetery hill early one foggy morning that the hot air balloon rally was being held in Medora Last month.

It was definitely worth getting up at 4 am for!

i imagine many of you are busy with Halloween preparations and festivities, albeit a weird year in general, since many of us are wearing masks as our normal attire! I have a question for my generation( baby boomers)! Are we the ones who have made Halloween such a big deal? Do you remember it being so much back when you were kids?

i am either deficient in memory, or we just did not do much! I think I may have gone trick or treating once....or not? I think our teachers let us color jack-o-lanterns and black cats and witches....I don’t even remember getting candy, and I think I would remember that!

So, I am wondering if we baby boomers decided we would observe it when we were grown up by developing it into a now major United States 🇺🇸 Holiday?

if I am right, we certainly succeeded at something! Right?

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