This buck and doe seem to be getting ’acquainted!’ This is one of the goals I hope to accomplish with this blog of mine. I want to get acquainted with my followers, and I believe, myself! Are you well acquainted with yourself? Or do think you are constantly changing and growing? I hope that I am doing that! The basic Bobby is still here, but she is constantly working on herself, and I hope, making improvements. There is still much work to do!
I am very close to retirement, and I am feeling that, after years of banking and insurance business, I want to be creative. Thus, this blog and my photography. I wish I could paint, and I plan to try it-I don’t expect to succeed, but I do expect to learn from my endeavors. I am finding that I like to sew, which is somewhat surprising to me, as when I was younger, it really tried my patience. I like to go down to my sewing room without a plan, and then see what I end up doing! I like the fact that I now have a sewing room where I can start a project and leave it unfinished until I can get back to it! I like choosing colors and fabric and experimenting with how they look together. I do not like making the same thing twice - it at least has to have totally different colors, or some different or an improved twist to it.
I am passionate about photography, as you probably know, if you know me at all. After working on my skills for awhile, I can now go back to old photos and see the improvement. I can also go back to old photos and improve them with my new knowledge.
I love to drive and go for fourwheeler rides. I love my family and am nuts over my granddaughters (I only have granddaughters)! I love collies and Pepper shares herself generously with me as well as the grandkids. I love being alone and I love to read and research, I have always wanted to be a writer. I am wild about technology and am addicted to trying all the latest “stuff!” My excuse is that it keeps my brain working!
I believe that I am almost ready to start this next chapter of “Improving Bobby!” I hope that I will be improving and growing. I have gathered all my ”tools” and about to begin. Are you working on yourself, too? Please don’t give up! There is so much beauty in the world and in the human soul to discover. Let’s tackle it together! Maybe we can grow in beauty inside and out like this handsome buck I saw yesterday!